The Bob Geldof Experience
well here's an update....its long overdue, but i was in gozo/busy with work/ somehow busy with life/ and lazy as usual.
well lets start with the cons of this concert
security - i could have taken a bazooka with me, no searches nothing...
beer - too fucken few...ended up drinking hot beer Nucking Futs!
time - on the ticket it said doors open at 5...5/30 i was there...entered between 6.30-7, also it was too long, after a day of work it was hell till bob arrived
seating - no seating for the common people...what the fuck? isn't lm 10 enough for a seat?
the compere - unprofessional and antipathic...need i say more?
food / drinks prices - fucken rip off...kfc had a stand, 2-piece chicken lm1...3 piece chicken lm 1.50...oh nice discount, pizza hut had a 1/8 or less slice of pizza for 85c, qas li kienet mbierka..a beer 75c (and warm at that), glass of coke / juice 50c when one buys 1liter at 33c for juice and 45c for coke...and the glass wasn't even half a ltr...btw water stock was low as well...
the bands - i was only disapointed with carey and band...they just did covers although the 11-yr old whiz made up for it...
the pros, - the bands, the atmosphere, the people, the setting
the Mids official band classifier
Maltese Bands
1. Winter Moods
2. Ira Losco
3. Carey and Band
Tribute bands
1. Killer Queen
2. New 2
3. IceCold
well, overall score of this event was 10 for the bands 4 for organisation making an average of 7/10...which makes me able to recommend to everyone to make sure they don't miss out another time...and YMCA please see the cons and work on them...
over & out